How to measure the success of Yelp Advertising campaigns through key performance indicators (KPIs)

Yelp Advertising campaigns

Tracking your results is crucial to making the most of your Yelp Advertising campaigns, just like with any other ad program. But it’s not just about crunching numbers; you need to see how these metrics impact your business.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the key performance indicators (KPIs) you should focus on. These insights will help you fine-tune your campaigns and drive better results, paving the way for long-term success.

Your Starting Point – Understanding the KPIs

Start by checking out the two main sections on your Yelp Ads dashboard: User Views and Customer Leads. These tabs provide a snapshot of each campaign’s performance, and based on the data points, they will help you have a detailed breakdown of the ad’s performance.

They show how often your ad appears and include:

  • Mobile Check-Ins
  • Mobile Calls
  • Call to Action Clicks
  • Directions & Map Views
  • User Uploaded Photos
  • Clicks to Your Website
  • Reservations Made on Yelp
  • Messages from Users to Your Business
  • Yelp Bookmarks
  • Yelp Deals Sold

These metrics give insight into your ad’s visibility and how people engage with it.

Additionally, monitor ROI to understand your profit relative to ad spend.

That said, let’s talk about the Yelp advertising data points – that will help evaluate your performance on Yelp and improve your Yelp Ads program. Conversion rates, customer leads, cost-per-click, customer actions, and other engagement metrics – another integral part of this process.

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Is your ad successfully leading people to your Yelp page? CTR measures how often people click on your ad versus how often it’s shown. When they click, they’re taken to your Yelp business page.

Yelp page visits track how often your page is seen on Yelp’s website, mobile site, and apps. A high CTR means more people are interested in learning about your business. If your CTR is low, Yelp Ads will display your ad more frequently to help you reach your goals. The system continually works to show your ad in the best places, ensuring you get the most value from your ad budget.

Lead-Through-Rate (LTR)

Lead-through-rate (LTR) measures how well your ad turns viewers into leads on your Yelp page. A high LTR means your ad is effective and people engage with your page.

When someone clicks on your ad and takes actions like visiting your website, calling, bookmarking, or messaging, they’re counted as a “Lead.”

If your LTR is low, your ad brings people to your Yelp page, but fewer are engaging. This doesn’t mean your ad isn’t working—it might just need a tweak.

Cost-Per-Lead (CPL)

This metric shows how much you pay to get a new lead on Yelp. You’re billed only when someone clicks your ad, but knowing your CPL helps you see how well your ads work and manage your budget.

To calculate CPL:

For example, if you spend $300 and get 10 leads, your CPL is $30. Lowering your CPL means you get more leads for your money and a better return on your ad spend.

Are You Having a Good Return on Your Ad Spend?

To check if your Yelp Ads are working, calculate your return on ad spend (ROAS) by dividing the revenue from Yelp Ads by the amount you spent.

For this, your Yelp Customer Success Manager can help you compare your average spend per customer with your cost per lead (CPL).



Compare your metrics to industry benchmarks and local competitors. Use Yelp’s tools and reports to evaluate your ad’s performance against these standards to understand how well it’s doing.

Revise your ad’s content, adjust your targeting options, or tweak your bid strategy to boost engagement and increase clicks.

Review your metrics regularly, ideally weekly or monthly. This frequency helps you stay on top of performance trends and make timely adjustments to optimize your campaign.

Effective audience targeting ensures your ads reach the most relevant potential customers, which can lead to higher click-through rates and more leads.

Geographic targeting helps your ads reach people in specific locations, improving the likelihood of attracting local customers who are more likely to visit your business.

Avoid not setting clear KPIs, neglecting regular reviews, and failing to use Yelp’s tools for performance insights. These mistakes can lead to a misinterpretation of ad performance and missed optimization opportunities.